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Warning Signs That Heater Repair Is Needed All Homeowners Should Know

Does Your Heating System Need Service?

Homeowners often take their heating systems for granted until they fail to work when it’s cold outside. A professional should fix a malfunctioning heater as soon as possible to prevent additional issues from occurring. This blog post will share some common signs that heater repair may be needed. 

A Spike in Utility Bills

bills When a homeowner receives a utility bill that is higher than normal, it often indicates a problem with the efficiency of the heating system. A loss of efficiency can occur for several reasons, including a broken or faulty component of the heating system, maintenance being skipped, or the heater being old and inefficient. 

So, suppose homeowners notice their system works inefficiently due to a spike in heating costs. They should have a professional inspect the system, determine the cause, and make the necessary fix, whether that is heating maintenance, repair, or system replacement. Once they finish, the system should work more efficiently, which is reflected in lower utility bills.  

Abnormal Sounds and Smells

bad smell If a homeowner hears strange sounds such as a rattling, squeaking, banging, or grinding sound in their heating system, a professional should be called to check the heater for issues. The heater should be relatively quiet when running, so if there are any noticeably different sounds, it’s a sign of problems.

Unusual smells such as a burning smell or the smell of smoke should not be ignored since they are another sign heater repair is needed. These burning smells could indicate serious issues like overheating or a cracked heat exchanger that could be dangerous if not repaired. 

A Cold Home or Uneven Heating

Sometimes, homeowners may notice that their homes aren’t getting as warm as they should be or that the heat is uneven, creating some cold spots. Any time there are problems with the heating, whether it’s a complete loss of heat or that the home's temperature doesn’t reach the temperature on the thermostat, it’s a sign to call for service. 

Several issues could cause insufficient heating, so a contractor can inspect the heating system to find the underlying cause of the problem. Once they have found the cause, they can determine the best solution to restore proper heating and comfort to the home, whether that be heating repair or replacement.  

About A-Plus Air Conditioning & Home Solutions

A-Plus Air Conditioning & Home Solutions is a family-owned and operated company serving Austin, TX, and the surrounding areas since 1977. They provide flat rate pricing, financing, and fast friendly service. Call them today for heater repair services in Austin, TX.  

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